Innovative concept for waste heat utilisation of data centers
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Waste heat recovery from compact data centres (HotFlAd)

Servers in data centers generate high amounts of waste heat. Up to now, this heat has been dissipated into the environment in the form of warm air with high energy consumption.

With the help of the hot-fluid computing technology developed by Thomas Krenn AG, the heat of a server is released to water and can be made available elsewhere at a high temperature level (> 55°C).

Within the scope of the project, this technology will be used to generate cooling capacity in a standardised computer center (private data center of dc-ce RZ-Beratung and Tobol) with the help of an adsorption chiller from InvenSor.

The combination of waste heat and adsorption cooling thus makes it possible to use the server waste heat to generate cooling. It can then be used, for example, for general cooling of the building or other active elements within a data center.

The aim of the HotFlAd project is to achieve a significant increase in efficiency compared to conventional air conditioning in the data center. For this purpose, the three approaches “Private Datacenter”, “Hot-Fluid Computing” and “Adsorption cooling” are combined.

The innovative concept will be implemented and demonstrated under laboratory conditions at the TU Berlin – Hermann Rietschel Institute and under practical conditions at noris network.

HotFlAd is funded within the framework of the EnEff.Gebäude.2050 – Innovative projects for the almost climate-neutral building stock in 2050 funding initiative.

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