New Article published in the Journal of Innovation Management
Dr. Jens Clausen has published the article Sticky Transformation. How path dependencies in socio-technical regimes are impeding the transformation to a Green Economy in the Journal of Innovation Management.
Many works in innovation research use path dependencies to explain the fact that change is often difficult to achieve. With regard to a transition to a green economy specific path dependencies are identified in the sectors of energy, mobility, housing and food in Germany. The paper looks into technological, economical, organizational, user-specific and legal path dependencies. For a successful transition to a green economy, the role of the state seems to be central. In many areas of transition, transitional regulation is full of loopholes and does not work. Activity of lobby groups prevents society from setting path-changing regulation.
You can read the article here: Clausen, J., Göll, E. & Tappeser, V. (2017). Sticky Transformation. How path dependencies in socio-technical regimes are impeding the transformation to a Green Economy. Journal of Innovation Management, 5 (2), 110-137