Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability: News

EEPA: Borderstep project wins German preliminary round


The European joint project "ScaleUp4Sustainability" represents Germany in the final of the European Enterprise PromotionMore

Borderstep at the IHK Potsdam foundation meeting


Prof. Dr. Klaus Fichter, founder and director of the Borderstep Institute, will present current researchMore

100 percent renewable energy – possible?


How can we successfully transform our energy system toward climate neutrality? Borderstep co-founder Dr. SeverinMore

Borderstep expertise for Greece


Alexander Schabel spoke to a delegation from Greece on the topic of sustainable entrepreneurship andMore

ImpactNexus: Making sustainability investable


The start-up ImpactNexus is a spin-off of the Borderstep Institute. Co-founder and CEO Dr. JannicMore

ScaleUp4Sustainability: New platform online


The "Sustainable Venturing Challenges" platform developed in the EU project is intended to facilitate challenge-basedMore

Borderstep further develops the EdiCitNet Marketplace


The EdiCitNet project is entering the next phase: The marketplace platform will be further improvedMore

4th Green Startup Monitor published


With their great innovative capacity, green startups are driving the transformation of the German economy.More

Heating and cooling with the help of the sun


A new Borderstep project is investigating the possibilities of using heat pump technology to supplyMore

Hydrogen as a panacea?


Together with the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), Borderstep is analyzing in a newMore