Sustainable business is a basic prerequisite for climate protection and future viability. For the first time, the StartGreen@School project strengthened a sustainable start-up culture at schools nationwide. An extensive program promoted the sustainability orientation of existing student-run companies as well as the founding of new sustainable student-run companies and networked schools with sustainable companies and startups.
Sustainable student companies are suitable for implementing education for sustainable development (ESD), the aim of which is to enable students to actively shape an ecologically compatible, economically efficient and socially just society. With StartGreen@School, all participants experienced what sustainable management means and were empowered with concrete methods and competencies.
StartGreen@School as motivation to start a business
The students further developed important future competencies such as initiative, creativity, sense of responsibility and teamwork and were motivated to manage responsibly in their later professional lives or even to start their own sustainable business.
Borderstep developed tools such as the Sustainable Business Canvas School and workshop concepts such as founder camps and the Green Idea Jam as part of the project. In 2017, 2018 and 2019, the StartGreen@School Award was also organized three times, which honored exemplary sustainable student companies from all over Germany.
Outstanding educational initiative for sustainable development
The project’s other offerings included partnerships between schools and companies, coaching for student companies, and advanced training for educational professionals. StartGreen@School was recognized in 2017 as an “outstanding” educational initiative for sustainable development by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German UNESCO Commission.
The project was carried out jointly by the Borderstep Institute, UnternehmensGrün, BildungsCent and the Institut Futur at Freie Universität Berlin. The StartGreen@ School project was funded by the National Climate Protection Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).