WindNODE: A showcase for smart energy from Germany
The WindNODE joint project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) from January 2017 to March 2021 as part of the “Smart Energy Showcase – Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition” (SINTEG) funding program. In 50 different sub-projects, more than 70 partners have been working on model solutions for the 100 percent renewable, smart energy system of the future. The Borderstep Institute was also on board as a science network partner.
The project had a budget of just under EUR 70 million and was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. WindNode encompassed all six East German federal states including Berlin. It runned under the auspices of the six state prime ministers.
As a network partner, the Borderstep Institute conducted scientific research on how start-ups can be supported within the context of the initiative through an accelerator program. In addition to this, a Borderstep work package dealt with “smart” city districts within the model region.
Along with project coordinator 50Hertz, the Siemens and Stromnetz companies as well as the business development organizations Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie, Energy Saxony, and ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg took care of the strategic management of WindNODE. In addition to energy suppliers, network operators and high-tech specialists, the project also involved car manufacturers, utilities, and waste management companies, the housing sector, and retail trade as well as several universities and research institutions from the region.