Research award for article on business model development

Research award for Borderstep

Prof. Klaus Fichter, founder and director of the Borderstep Institute, and his co-authors were awarded the FGF Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research Award 2016 for an article on the development of sustainability-oriented business models.

The award was presented at this year’s G-Forum, the annual entrepreneurship research conference of the Association for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship Research (FGF, Förderkreis Gründungs- und Innovationsforschung). The award is sponsored by the Hans Sauer Foundation and the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie.

Business model development is a key issue for entrepreneurial success. The requirements of business model development are still far from clearly established from the perspective of sustainable development, i.e. taking an integrative view of economic, ecological, and social sustainability. Both practice and research still lack a unified understanding of the requirements that have to be met for business model development to be considered sustainable or sustainability-oriented.

The contribution thus provides specific reference points for entrepreneurial practice and creates a sound basis of understanding for further research on business model development and sustainable entrepreneurship.

Your Contact

Prof. Dr. Klaus Fichter
  • Founder and Director
  • +49 30 306 45 100-0

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