Shift Publications
On this page you will find the results and recommendations for action of the SHiFT project.
Summary of Results and Recommendations from Shift
- Summary of results and recommendations from the Eco-Innovera project SHIFT: FREE DOWNLOAD
Good Practice collection University Support for Sustainable Entrepreneurship
- Fichter, K., Geier, J., Tiemann, I. (2016). Good practice collection – University support for sustainable entrepreneurship. Berlin, Helsinki, Linköping: SHIFT: FREE DOWNLOAD
- Good Practice: Presidio Graduate School San Francisco, California, USA: FREE DOWNLOAD
- Good Practice: Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden: FREE DOWNLOAD
- Good Practice: Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) Germany: FREE DOWNLOAD
- Good Practice: Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) Finland: FREE DOWNLOAD
- Good Practice: Leuphana University of Lüneburg Germany: FREE DOWNLOAD
- Good Practice: University of Manchester England, UK: FREE DOWNLOAD
- Good Practice: Santa Clara University California, USA: FREE DOWNLOAD
- Good Practice: Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, UCSB California, USA: FREE DOWNLOAD
- Klofsten, M., Norrman, C., Cadorin, E. & Löfsten, H. (2020). Support and development of small and new firms in rural areas: A case study of three regional initiatives. SN Applied Sciences, 2(1). FREE DOWNLOAD
- Klofsten, M., Lundmark, E., Wennberg, K. & Bank, N. (2020). Incubator specialization and size: Divergent paths towards operational scale. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 151, 119821: LINK
- Fichter, K. & Tiemann, I. (2018). Factors influencing university support for sustainable entrepreneurship: Insights from explorative case studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 175, 512–524. LINK
- Kanda, W., Hjelm, O., Clausen, J. & Bienkowska, D. (2018). Roles of intermediaries in supporting eco-innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 205, 1006–1016. LINK
- Tiemann, I., Fichter, K. & Geier, J. (2018). University Support Systems for Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Insights from Explorative Case Studies. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 10(1), 83-110. LINK
- Bank, N., Fichter, K., & Klofsten, M. (2017). Sustainability-profiled incubators and securing the inflow of tenants – The case of Green Garage Berlin. Journal of Cleaner Production, 157, 76–83. LINK
- Bergset, L., Darrall, A. & Fichter, K. (2017). The financing of sustainable entrepreneurship – a survey of green start-ups in Germany. Presented at the XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference – Composing the Innovation Symphony. Vienna, Austria. LINK
- Bank, N. & Kanda, W. (2016). Tenant recruitment and support processes in sustainability profiled business incubators. Industry & Higher Education, 30(4), 267–277. LINK
- Fichter, K., Fuad‐Luke, A., Hjelm, O., Klofsten, M., Backman, M., Bergset, L., Bienkowska, D., Clausen, J., Geier, J., Hirscher, A.L., Kanda, W. & Kuisma, M. (2016). SHIFTing the Support of Entrepreneurship in Eco‐Innovation. Work Package 9 – Final report of the Eco‐Innovera project SHIFT. Berlin, Helsinki, Linköping: SHIFT. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Bergset, L. & Fichter, K. (2016). Final Report on the Role of Investors, Financial Institutions and Public Funding Programmes. Work Package 6. Berlin: SHIFT. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Fuad-Luke, A., Backman, M. & Hirscher, A.L. (2016). The Role of Design Service Providers (DSPs). Workpackage 5. Berlin, Helsinki, Linköping: SHIFT. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Kuisma, M. & Fuad-Luke, A. (2016). The roles of interagents and unusual collaboration in supporting sustainable start-ups and eco-SMEs – literature and findings. Work Package 7. Helsinki, Porto: SHIFT. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Kanda, W., Hjelm, O. & Clausen, J. (2016). The Role of Business Development Organizations in Supporting Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Eco‐innovation. Work Package 4. Linköping: SHIFT. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Klofsten, M., Bank, N. & Bienkowska, D. (2016). The Role of Incubators in Supporting Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Work Package 3. Linköping: SHIFT. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Fichter, K., Fuad-Luke, A., Hjelm, O., Klofsten, M., Backman, M., Bergset, L., Bienkowska, D., Clausen, J., Geier, J., Hirscher, A.L., Kanda, W. & Kuisma, M. (2016). SHIFTing the Support of Entrepreneurship in Eco-Innovation. Summary of results and recommendations from the Eco-Innovera project SHIFT. Berlin, Helsinki, Linköping: SHIFT. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Fichter, K., Fuad-Luke, A., Hjelm, O., Klofsten, M., Backman, M., Bergset, L., Bienkowska, D., Clausen, J., Geier, J., Hirscher, A.L., Kanda, W. & Kuisma, M. (2016). Redesigning the Support System for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Work Package 8. Berlin, Helsinki, Linköping: SHIFT. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Geier, J. & Fichter, K. (2015). Good Practice Examples: Activities in Sustainable Entrepreneurship at Universities in Finland, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. Berlin, Helsinki, Linköping: SHIFT consortium. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Clausen, J., Kanda, W. & Bergset, L. (2015). Öko-Effizienz und Öko-Innovationen in der Wirtschaftsförderung im Land Nordrhein-Westfalen. Arbeitspaket 4: Wirtschaftsförderung und Clusterinitiativen. Berlin, Linköping: SHIFT. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Bergset, L. (2014). Financing innovation in sustainable start-ups – an exploration of financial access, challenges and opportunities, paper presented at The XXV ISPIM Conference – Innovation for Sustainable Economy & Society, Dublin, Ireland on 8-11 June 2014. LINK
- Kanda, W., Hjelm, O. & Bienkowska, D. (2014). Boosting eco-innovation: The role of public support organizations, paper presented at The XXV ISPIM Conference – Innovation for Sustainable Economy & Society, Dublin, Ireland on 8-11 June 2014. LINK
- Kanda, W. & Hjelm, O. (2014). An approach for analyzing public support systems for eco-innovations: Lessons from two German and Swedish regions, paper presented at 18th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, Oldenburg, Germany on 13-14 November. LINK
- Fichter, K., Fuad-Luke, A., Klofsten, M., Bergset, L., Bienkowska, D., Clausen, J., Geier, J., Hjelm, O., Kanda, W., Kuisma, M. & Cabrera Viancha, P. (2013). Support Systems for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Transformation (SHIFT). Work Package 1. Berlin, Linköping, Aalto: SHIFT. FREE DOWNLOAD
Practical Material For Support System Actors
- Fuad-Luke, A., Bäckman, M. & Hirscher, A.L. (2016). Design Acupuncture – Booklet. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Fuad-Luke, A., Bäckman, M. & Hirscher, A.L. (2016). Design Acupuncture – Design Cards. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Fuad-Luke, A., Bäckman, M. & Hirscher, A.L. (2016). Design Acupuncture – Needs Wheel. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Fuad-Luke, A., Bäckman, M. & Hirscher, A.L. (2016). Support System Acupuncture – Alterable Needs Wheel. FREE DOWNLOAD
- Fuad-Luke, A., Bäckman, M. & Hirscher, A.L. (2016). Support System Acupuncture – Alterable Cards. FREE DOWNLOAD
Shift Flyer
- Eco-Innovation for a Green Economy: The SHIFT Project: FREE DOWNLOAD