Our aim is to enable companies and start-ups that focus on the common good to not only better understand their climate impact, but also to demonstrably improve it.
The project focuses on the financing challenges faced by start-ups in the field of sustainable chemistry and develops strategies to overcome them.
This workshop is about founding an edible city initiative: First steps to kick-start your entrepreneurial journey.
Borderstep offers various events for the exchange of experiences and networking around business ideas for a more ecologically sustainable future. The offer is free of charge.
The Green Startup Monitor (GSM) is jointly published by Borderstep and the Startup Verband and measures green startup activity in Germany. The press conference is open to all.
According to the motto "Science with Impact", Borderstep makes its research results available to the public - also as free events.
Borderstep supports the development of the offer especially for green start-ups on the founder platform of BMWK and KfW.
Klaus Fichter is lead guest editor of a Special Issue published by the Journal of Cleaner Production.
As a partner of the Business Plan Competition Berlin-Brandenburg (BPW), the Borderstep Institute sponsors the Special Award Sustainability, which will be awarded during the 3rd BPW 2022 award ceremony on July 4.
Together with the Startup Verband, Borderstep has been monitoring the sustainable startup ecosystem in Germany since 2018.
More support for green start-ups: This is what Green Start-Up Investment Alliance aimed to achieve. The hands-on project searched for ways to promote environmental and climate protection.
StartGreen@School strengthened a sustainable start-up culture at schools nationwide for the first time. All participants learned what sustainable business means.
The main goal of SHIFT was to enable relevant actors and intermediaries to support sustainable entrepreneurship more effectively.
The Score4Impact project focuses on the efficient and reliable assessment of sustainable investments in innovative start-ups.
The using of urban landscapes for food production makes cities more sustainable and more liveable. At the same time it is an opportunity for start-ups and initiatives to develop innovative business models.
The project developed an evaluation model with which the economic, ecological and social impact of startup support programmes can be recorded, assessed and improved.
The project analysed the structural change in the automotive industry triggered by globalisation, digitalisation and climate protection.
The aim of the project is to develop, test and institutionalise a standard for assessing the sustainability potential of start-ups.
The Sustainability4All project has encouraged the early and lasting integration of climate protection and other sustainability concerns into newly founded, innovative companies.
S4S tested the development of innovative solutions to business sustainability challenges through new forms of collaboration between students and companies.
The “StartUp4Climate” initiative focuses on the consistent alignment of start-up support systems in Germany with climate protection and sustainability goals.
For five years in a row (2015 to 2019), we have honored and given visibility to the most promising green startups and startup concepts with the StartGreen Award.
At the Green Entrepreneurship Academy in Northern Kosovo, young aspiring entrepreneurs from Kosovo receive individual training in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship.
Online information and networking portal: The green start-up community meets at StartGreen in order to counter the greatest environmental and social challenges of our time together.